Our design studio had the privilege of creating a series of posters for the 6th Scientific Conference of the School of Medicine, AUTH, an event showcasing advancements in physiology education and research. The hosting laboratory focuses on teaching physiology while conducting cutting-edge research in areas such as neuroscience, cardiovascular physiology with an emphasis on cardiovascular endocrinology and experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits, immunology, neuroendocrinology, renal physiology, and telemedicine.
The centerpiece of our poster design was a unique and symbolic visual: two stethoscopes whose cables intertwined to form the silhouettes of a man and a woman. This concept highlighted the human-centered nature of physiological research and education while symbolizing collaboration and inclusivity in the field.
We complemented the central motif with a clean, modern layout, using a professional color palette and typography to convey the scientific rigor and collaborative spirit of the event.